I just decorated my bin, a little pencil case and the casefor my lenses with silicon so it loos like cream *-* yummiiii
it was just soooo exhausting to handle the siliscon pistol....but finally it turned out good i think :)
but it stinks >.<
in backround you see the last candy canes i gave away for christmas :)
at the moment i'm so deeply in love with these japanise things *-* and i'm so sad i didnd't finished my japanese course last year :(
imagine I could speak japanease!! hwww but I'm lazy sometimes^^
anyway, I can't decide weather I want to be gothic or lolita..maybe I'm both but lolitas are ery very strict...they would kill me if I say I'm half-lolita.or what?
and im not that kind fanatic..i don't een read mangas...I did when I was 10 I think^^ and I'm not listening to j-rock or else..I'm in love with german music <3 the best language anyway...because I'm a brilliant german-speaker^^ therfor my english is bad Y,Y and thats why I'm writing this blog^^
*anstalk* wenn's dich tröstet, ich bin auch goth UND lolita ;) geht alles. du kannst lolita in schwarz tragen, gothic-klamotten mit lolita-einfluss, etc pp.
AntwortenLöschenund es gibt vieele lolitas, die absolut nichts mit japan am hut haben, also von daher ist das ziemlich egal.
übrigens sind deine basteleien voll cool XD wären mir zu kitschig, aber sieht trotzdem gut aus^^
lg ulli
hihi weiß ich doch ulli^^
AntwortenLöschenlass mich in ruhe englisch üben xDD